Sketch Ch. 07 – Lust

A simple, quick story of a male changing into a werewolf and, in turn, changing a woman. Bonus section at the end for a second woman.

Needed to write something quick and dirty so here you go! And, remember, since this is a sketch series, it’s just… you know. Basic. And I really really didn’t check for editing.

A single overhead light flickered and hummed far in the corner of the study area.  Justin glanced up at it with an internal sigh before focusing back on his books and notes.  He was grateful the small community college had a quiet room for students to study but he wished they kept it in better shape.…

Cabin in the Woods Ch. 04

A retelling of the absolutely brilliant horror movie ‘Cabin in the Woods’ with an altogether different ending.  Chapter 4 of 4.

Silence filled the control room. Sitterson, Hadley and Truman stared at the monitor.  They watched as the two werewolves rutted over the corpse.  The two moved from the floor to the couch, tearing chunks out of the fabric and wood frame.  They were hypnotized by the sheer feral fucking happening on screen.  The lithe, smiling blonde from earlier in the day was replaced by a huge beast rutting with enthusiastic abandon.

“Are-” Sitterson said and then swallowed.  “Are we recording this?”…

Cabin in the Woods Ch. 03

A retelling of the absolutely brilliant horror movie ‘Cabin in the Woods’ with an altogether different ending.  Chapter 3 of 4.

… outside, a voice called out, just at the edge of hearing.

“Who’s there?” Marty said, looking up from his book.  He barely even realized that he’d been staring at the same page for the last few minutes.  He strained his ears, nervously glancing around the room.  “Dana, was that you?”

The silence stretched.  He could hear some talking from the living room but, otherwise, the entire cabin and everything outside was-

You should go outside, the voice whispered again, slightly louder. …

Bitch Ch. 02 [TF / F / Were-dog / Bestiality]

Part 2 of 2.  The woman’s changes continue as her mind slips further away and strong urges take their place.

Julia sat hunched at her desk.  She was rocking back and forth slightly, her hips and ass flexing as she arched her spine slightly.  The smell of the man from earlier wouldn’t seem to leave her.

The young woman panted lightly in her chair, lips occasionally pulling back to reveal slight fangs.  She held the edge of her desk and rocked, pushing her ass back instinctively.  She felt hot and hungry and her entire body ached.  She’d been attracted to boys before and had even occasionally, shamefully wondered what sex was like. …

The Gift [TF / Multiple / Werewolf]

A newborn princess is given a gift by an old crone – a gift that expresses itself violently on her wedding day.

“And on this, the occasion of our daughter’s birth, we call forth the three fairies to be her godmothers.  Wise beyond even their own years and powerful beyond our knowing, we offer our finest jewels to thee.”

The king stood atop the dais, arms raised.  His staff of office was held in one hand with the other bare to show his good intentions.  Before him, a select crowd of nobles and rich merchants applauded politely.  The queen, so fresh from a harsh childbirth, smiled thinly from her seat next to her royal husband.…

Stay Ch. 01 [TF / MF / Were-dog]

Brandy sat at the end of an over-stuffed brown couch with a glass of red wine in one hand.  Her other hand held a white envelope.  Kevin sat at the opposite end from her, one leg crossed on the couch.  Light music played from the stereo system while Brandy stared suspiciously at the young man.

“Our anniversary was three months ago,” Brandy informed him.

“I know, I know.  Just open the thing already!” Kevin’s words were gentle despite his protest.

Brandy continued to stare.  “This better not be a proposal.”

“Oh god no,” Kevin assured her.  “No no no.  Trust me. …

Sketch 06: Caged [TF / MF / Werewolf]

I am enormously thankful for fetishists.

The things I’ve ordered from various websites are mostly harmless but, all together would paint quite a bad picture of me.  Chains.  Metal cuffs – not handcuffs, mind you, actual proper thick metal cuffs.  A little like you’d see in old movies (old England or France or wherever) when they throw a prisoner in the deepest dungeon with his hands chained to the wall until they lead him out to be beheaded.

Which, to be honest, is pretty close to what I’m doing.


The murders started about eight months ago.  Grisly things.  Bad enough that you wouldn’t really call them ‘bodies’ anymore. …

First Contact

This morning I had a weird dream.  I think because I’d just finished reading a sci-fi book the day before.  Spaceships and fighting and etc… etc… So, anyway, I had a dream about aliens exploring Earth.  And, well, could aliens be infected by werewolves?  It was an interesting dream so I wanted to write it out quickly before I forgot too much or got sidetracked.

Delicate chimes alerted the young female to the impending drop.

Light flared around her as the small ship woke.  Displays gave atmospheric information surrounding the drop zone.  A live holographic representation of her site bloomed before her eyes. …

Sketch 04 – Alone

Written for someone specific.  A super quick story.  Two werewolves thought they were alone in the world until they meet for the first time.


The first meeting. Nervous at the prospect of meeting another wolf for the first time. Anxious. I can feel it at the back of my mind. Padding. Sitting with crossed paws only to stand and walk around and around in circles. Waiting. He knows what’s coming.

And then there you are, walking towards me, recognition on your face. I stand. Worried about stupid things. Handshake, hug or…? How does- but you’re suddenly there and your cheek slides by mine as you press yourself into my space.…


So, there’s an artist I like on DeviantArt – wwbot (  Yesterday he made a piece of art that I liked quite a lot:  Today I apparently decided to write a story around it.  I meant to create just a little scene description for him to put under the image but I guess I can’t write short things well.  So, here’s a story for it.  “Shifting.”

“That’ll be $31.23.  Cash or card?”  The cashier asked.

“Oh, gosh, card.  Debit card.”  The young woman answered.  Around her, customers browsed and laughed and made lewd comments to each other while holding up various outfits. …