It’s Been Done Before

From my Patreon!

In the future, a young woman discovers her punishment as she begins to change

My arm is sore and I have a little bump at the injection site.

I hope the judge burns in hell.  

The shuttle beeps behind me but I wave it away and the wing doors close while it rises from the ground with a heavy gust of downdraft that stirs the hem of my habit. It takes a moment for the main engine to kick on and then the wind dies and it accelerates above me.  Even here, in the middle of nowhere, I can see the blinking red strobes of more shuttles flying in the distance.…

Sketch Ch. 07 – Lust

A simple, quick story of a male changing into a werewolf and, in turn, changing a woman. Bonus section at the end for a second woman.

Needed to write something quick and dirty so here you go! And, remember, since this is a sketch series, it’s just… you know. Basic. And I really really didn’t check for editing.

A single overhead light flickered and hummed far in the corner of the study area.  Justin glanced up at it with an internal sigh before focusing back on his books and notes.  He was grateful the small community college had a quiet room for students to study but he wished they kept it in better shape.…

The Honeypot Ch. 05 [BE / Bimbofication / TG]

The sounds of the city’s nightlife greeted Robert as he stepped from his apartment complex.  He stopped, eyes wide and watching as an increasingly small part of him worried about how he looked.  He frowned at himself, unsure of why he’d be worried yet the feeling didn’t fade.  A warm breeze caressed his soft, hairless cheek and he shivered in pleasure.  Goosebumps rose from his arms and the young man hugged himself, hands rubbing against his arms.

An older gentleman walked by and Robert watched him pass.  Behind the man, two young women walked, laughing and talking about a movie they’d just watched together. …

Stay Ch. 02 [TF / MF / Were-dog]

At 6:00 pm, Kevin knocked on Brandy’s door.  She felt her heart racing as she answered it.  Her smile was strained and awkward on her face and she didn’t want to let him go when he hugged her.

“Oh, sweetheart,” Kevin said.  “You’ve been crying.”  The young man had changed into casual clothes before coming over.

Brandy nodded, not trusting herself to speak.  She wore her dancing penguin pajamas and her pink panties.  She always wore her pink panties because they helped her feel brave.  Or, rather, it made the world around her feel more ridiculous.  No matter what happened, she could always just think to herself:  Sure, I can understand you want to yell at me because the extra shot I added to your coffee at your request is somehow now too much but, you know what? 

The Honeypot Ch. 04 [BE / Bimbofication / TG]

Karyn hummed to herself as she closed her apartment door.  She wore a pair of old, white running shoes along with her bright pink scrubs.   A light black jacket and small backpack completed her outfit.  She walked down the hallway to the stairs, skipping steps gleefully until she reached the bottom.  The sun lay low on the horizon, half-hidden behind the taller buildings downtown.  Karyn raised her face to the sun with her eyes closed, smiling for no other reason than happiness at being outside.

The walk to the local bus stop was short and Karyn nearly danced the entire way.  …

The Honeypot Ch. 03 [BE / Bimbofication / TG]

Senator O’Neal stepped lightly into the hallway, her luggage bumping along behind her.  Paul stood to the side of the door.  His hands were loose against his sides and his eyes roamed ceaselessly along the hallway.  The young woman looked up at him and smiled.

“I’m ready!” she chirped and then turned to her right as Paul turned the opposite direction.

“Senator, the elevators are this way,” he told her.

“I knew that,” she answered.  A pretty red blush crept up the senator’s cheeks.  Her smile deepened and the faint hints of dimples appeared.  Turning, she walked toward her aide and continued down the hallway while he followed behind her. …

The Honeypot Ch. 02 [BE / Bimbofication / TG]

The agent’s target begins to change, her intelligence fading as her body undergoes transformation.  However, she’s not the only one dealing with sudden new thoughts and desires…

The muted chirp of Senator O’Neal’s cellphone brought her up from the depths of a bright and sunny dream.  She clutched at the dream as she woke; rarely were they as happy and simple as the one she was waking from.  Usually, she dreamed of huge, dark figures moving slowly across a shattered landscape.  She was nearly always being chased by something in those dreams while, around her, people screamed in pain and terror. …

The Honeypot Ch. 01 [BE / Bimbofication / TG]

A young agent is tasked with sabotaging a rising politician’s career and life but finds the game can change in an instant.

Chapter 1 of 3


The heavy silence in the old room was finally broken by a tiny ‘clink’ sound as a crystal clear ice cube shifted in a short, heavy glass.  Massive velvet curtains blocked all outside light to the room.  A huge mahogany desk lived in an oasis of soft yellow light that emanated from dark green lamps.  The world beyond was darkness and the pale, overweight man sitting behind the desk looked as if he had lived his entire life in that tiny realm.…


So, there’s an artist I like on DeviantArt – wwbot (  Yesterday he made a piece of art that I liked quite a lot:  Today I apparently decided to write a story around it.  I meant to create just a little scene description for him to put under the image but I guess I can’t write short things well.  So, here’s a story for it.  “Shifting.”

“That’ll be $31.23.  Cash or card?”  The cashier asked.

“Oh, gosh, card.  Debit card.”  The young woman answered.  Around her, customers browsed and laughed and made lewd comments to each other while holding up various outfits. …

The Lady Wore Red – Chapter 4

Lily stood from the couch and looked around the little room.  She listened to the faint howl of the wind outside the house while she ordered her thoughts.  The small tree near her front window clawed the glass in slow patterns, sounding all the world like a ship groaning in high winds.  The living room lights flickered and Lily frowned in consternation.  Now, she thought.  What do I need to do?  Makeup?  Something nice to wear?  Neither thought filled her with excitement but she made her way to her bedroom to find what she could.

Every footstep and creak in the house sounded amplified as the growing storm muffled the outside world. …