
The sky mourned with the village.

Beneath the gray, flat clouds the sky was the color of curdled milk.  Rain fell in drizzling slanted waves as lightning flashed soundlessly far into the distance.

Mary walked with her younger sister, a bucket in each hand while Faith struggled with just one. 

“Papa says they’s gonna call the adults together,” Faith grunted.  Her white dress, embroidered with green flowers was caked in mud.  She shook her head to settle her twin braids behind her.  “Tonight at elder Joshua’s home.”

“It’s no business of ours, Faith,” Mary reminded her.  Her own dress, handed down from her mother and patched several times over was nearly as filthy.  She reminded herself yet again that she needed to take the laundry down to the river.

“Says you.  I’m gonna go,” the younger sister said defiantly.  She blew air from between her lips as the rain streaked down her face

“You’ll get a whoopin’ if you go,” the older sister replied, stepping around a large rock in their path.  Her arms burned from the weights of the buckets. They’d found black growths inside their rain barrel that morning and the whole family worried whether it was the cause of their father’s harsh coughing.  Regardless, they decided it would be safest to draw from the well until they could clean it.

“If they catch me, Mary.  You know they got better things to do than look for chil’ren running loose,” the young girl huffed.  She set her bucket down with a sigh.  “Wait a second.  My back’s afire.”

“You’re not a child, Faith.  You’re old enough to be married off-“

“To who?!” Faith cried, suddenly upset.  “The whole town’s dyin’ if’n you’re too busy to notice.”

“There’s Isaiah,” Mary replied, refusing to acknowledge her sister’s fit.

“Papa talked to Isaiah’s pa,” the girl said, crossing her arms.  Her dress clung wetly to her scrawny body.  “I heard it from Eunice he’self.  Says he’s ridin’ to Asher’s Vale to sign up for solderin’ but Eunice says she saw blood in his shit when she was cleanin’ the pots.  He won’t make it to no war, let alone my wedding bed.”

Mary dropped the bucket in her right hand.  Suddenly weightless, her hand whipped out to slap her sister’s cheek.  The smaller girl staggered back with tears in her eyes.

“You watch your mouth,” the older girl said as she gripped the handle of her bucket again.  “Just ’cause mama ain’t… isn’t here doesn’t mean you can use foul language.”

Faith sniffled but picked up her own load and they walked silently until they drew close to their barn.  The closed door hung crooked on rotted wood but opened easily when Mary pushed at it with her hips.

“‘Sides,” Faith said quietly.  “You’ll be married ‘fore me.”

“Maybe,” Mary sighed.  But, she wouldn’t.  She knew she wouldn’t.  Her sister was younger and she would pass her chance to her if a suitor was ever found.  If.

Standing in the musty barn, the older sister squeezed her braid, pulling from top to bottom until it was dry.  She could feel her nipples against the soaked blouse of her dress as the cold hardened her soft skin.

The sensation pulled her back, months ago during the end of summer when Isaiah had cornered her in the barn, roughly kissing her while pawing at her chest.  He hadn’t said a word.  Hadn’t told her he liked her or wanted her or anything.  One moment, he was helping her with chores and, the next, his mouth was on hers.  Awkwardly, as he painfully pinched her nipples.

He’d left when her papa had called for her to come inside.  All she had felt was was the desire for him to be finished with his business before she got in trouble for taking too long with her chores.

“Come on, then,” Mary said as she pulled her dress away from her body.  “Get inside and clean up while I go look for wood.  We burned the last of the good ones for father last night.”

“Mary,” Faith said, grabbing her sister’s sleeve.  “Don’t- don’t be long, hear?  It don’t feel right today.”

“I won’t,” the older girl said, gently kissing her sister’s forehead. She grabbed her bonnet and basket before turning back at the door.  “Get to scrubbin’ and don’t forget to save the ashes from the pit this time.  I’ll be back ‘fore you know it.”

The cold, driving rain forced a gasp from the young woman’s lips.  She grit her teeth and bowed her head against it but, as she walked to the edge of the village, she found herself yearning for the warmth of her bed.  She wiggled her frozen toes while shoving her hands beneath her armpits as the basket hung from the crook of her arm.

She wandered through the trees, walking deeper while keeping the village ever at her back to remember her way home.  The areas she knew were picked clean by her and others so she found herself pushing even deeper than before.

A branch snapped, drawing her attention.  She glanced over her shoulder while going around a mushroom covered log but there was nothing.  And no fearsome creature she knew could hide behind the sickly thin birch trees in this part of the forest.

When she looked ahead, she saw it.

A swell of dirt lay ahead of her. It appeared as a grass and moss covered boulder but the core of the boulder was missing, opening instead into darkness.

Wooden chimes clattered, drawing her attention.  She looked up to see a pole at the crest of the mound.  Animal skulls lined the post with carved charms tied to dried tendons hanging from their horns and jaws.  The charms twisted and flailed in the wind to create a cacophony of sounds and a trilling whistle joined as the wind flowed through the bones.

Mary held the basket close but stood on her numb toes to peer into the cave.

I shouldn’t, she told herself.

Yet, the structure appeared ancient and abandoned and her mind turned to her dying village.  Anything could make the difference between starvation and survival.  If those who built the cave stored anything of value, the elders could sell it and buy food for the people.

“H- Hello?” she called out.

The wind rose and the whistling noise flattened into a low whoooooo as if insulting her. 

Her eyes began to pick out details in the cave.  She saw that it wasn’t very deep but, better yet, it was empty.  Of people or hiding places for someone to lie in wait.

Hunger drove her forward.  As she stepped into the mouth of the cave, her skin crawled, pulling bumps of goose flesh from her arms and back.

It’s just the cold, she told herself while swallowing. 

The cave sheltered her and she was surprised at the warmth of it as she moved further inside.  More bones, all animals, lie scattered in the opening and she almost lost hope until she spied a rock plinth.

A box lay atop the carved, flattened cap of the pillar.

The girl’s heart began to quicken and she swallowed again as she stepped forth.

It was a simple wooden box of darkened polished walnut and it lay perfectly centered on the stone.  She moved closer to see that it was bound vertically and horizontally.  Two more steps made her brow wrinkle in confusion.

Threads of black hair, enough to fill two heads, covered the box.

With a glance back to the mouth of the cave and a quick lick of her lips, she touched one of the strands, certain she saw wrong.  Her touch proved she wasn’t as the glossy, smooth hairs parted against her fingertip.

She felt her heart in her throat and nearly fled but the chimes above slammed into the pole, in time with the blasts of wind coursing through the skulls.  She heard her father’s hacking cough in the howling wind and her resolved hardened.

Mary reached to the belt at her waist to unstrap the curved knife her father had given her.  She slipped it beneath the hairs and they fell apart.  The hairs tugged lightly at the blade until the box was freed.  Sheathing her knife, she opened the box, gasping at its contents.

A large, teardrop shaped crimson gem lay nestled within a satin indentation.  It was perfectly smooth and easily twice as large as her thumb.  She knew, if the elders bartered well, that it could feed their village for years to come.

The young woman touched it while glancing over her shoulder, ready for someone to come screeching in, accusing her of thievery.

She waited for two heartbeats and then ran, dropping her basket to clutch the gem to her chest.

It warmed her as shafts of dull red light pulsed through her fingers.  The charms hung silently as the girl rushed home.  One of them, its original shape disfigured by the centuries, fell to the grass.  A second followed as the tendon disintegrated.  Bones fell amongst them and the very pole holding them in place grew black with rot before coming apart.

A single thought filled her as she vaulted over fallen logs and muddy puddles. 

Home, she told herself, rubbing the gem.  It prickled her fingers and her body responded.  Warm.  Eager for touch.  Every hair standing on edge and the nerves below begging for attention.  Her temples throbbed and she grinned maniacally at the thought of saving her people.

When she finally reached her home, she barreled through the door, startling her sister. 

“Faith!” the young woman gasped, running to the room she shared with her sister.  She leapt to her bed, trembling with excitement.  “Come quick!  You won’t believe what I found!”

Faith followed her in.  The younger girl was hesitant but curious as she sat next to her sister on the threadbare blankets.

“Look!  We’re saved!”  Mary beamed, opening her hand.

“Mary!” Faith gasped, her hand covering her opened mouth.  “Is that-  Did you-  Where’d you get it?”

“Deep in the woods,” the other girl said in a rush.  “I was walking, looking for kindling where we ain’t been before and I saw this mound on the ground.  Oh, Faith, I was scared witless, I was.  There were chimes and the wind made the most awful sound but the cave!  The cave was empty.  I found it in the cave and we’ll all be fine.  All will be fine!”

“But, Mary,” Faith said, her hand creeping down to her thighs.  She frowned, scratching at her leg.  “What if it belongs to someone?  A treasure like that, no way it’s just left out for anybody to take.”

“It was old,” Mary said, staring at the gem.  Her palm was bathed in soft, pink light and her pupils dilated.  “No tracks.  No sign of nobody and who leaves something like that in the open?  Nobody.  Nobody, that’s who.  It was left, forgotten and we need it.  We need it more.”

“It’s pretty,” Faith told her, leaning closer.  She had both hands against her legs, clawing at her thighs and hips with her dirty nails.  “I ain’t never seen anything like it.  Like something in the stories Gran used to tell.”

“The elders are meetin’ tonight,” Mary said, mesmerised by the jewel.  “Right now.  I’ll bring it to them and tell them and we won’t have to starve no more.”

“Ssso pretty,” the younger sister said.  Her tongue slipped forth, stretching as the tip wriggled up and down.  “And sssso warm.  Can you feel it?”

“Feel-” Mary asked, confused. 

“The warmth,” Faith groaned.  Her nail beds bulged as she reached lower to scratch her knees.  Drops of blood soaked into her dress when her nails flaked away.  Black tips pierced the flesh of her fingertips and her claws dragged her dress higher.  Sweat coursed down from her temples and along her jaw.  “Godssss.  Sssso warm.  Insssside of me.”

“Faith, what’s wrong?” the older sister asked.  She sat back, reaching for her sister.  Heat radiated from the smaller girl’s body.

“It’ssss too much!” Faith screamed.  Her tongue flicked out, cleaving in two as she clawed at her bodice.  She grunted and pulled and the dress tore to reveal her slim breasts and sweat-soaked belly. 

The smaller girl stood, staggering over to the door frame as she continued to rip, leaning down and shrugging her shoulders until the dress lay in a pool around her feet.

A thick line of skin connected her thighs, just beneath her bare sex.  Faith lay back with her legs spread.  Her right hand slid against her slick body, squeezing and pulling at her small breasts while her hips rocked back and forth on the rough, wooden doorway.

Mary shrieked as her sister’s free hand caressed her body.  Although she was naturally pale, the skin beneath the girl’s belly button slowly drained of color.  She raised her head back, never ceasing the rocking, wriggling, swaying motion of her hips.  Scratching her body against the splintered wooden surface behind her. 

“It’ssss insssside of me,” Faith moaned, her tongue flickering between lengthening fangs.  Her claws slipped between her legs as they began to press together.  The hairs of her wild, untrimmed bush flaked away as her palm pressed into her mound.  “Hear it.  I can hear it whisssspering to me, Mary.  It’ssss ssso beautiful!”

Mary dashed forward, reaching out before stopping.  Tears welled in her eyes as she realized she didn’t know what to do.

“Faith!” the older sister cried out.  “Tell me what to do!”

Faith looked down, smiling.  Her jaw cracked, widening, pulling at her lips.  She reached out, sighing as she caressed her sister’s cheek with a clawed hand as her nose pulled flat on her stretched face.

“Join ussss,” the young girl whispered to her.  Her round pupils constricted as blood flooded the girl’s irises.

Mary backed away, knocking over their nightstand as she watched in horror.

The thick line of skin crept down the girl’s legs, sealing them together as rosy flesh turned white.  She groaned, grabbing the frame behind her and it creaked in her grasp.  Thin as her arms were, she found new, unnatural strength forming within her body.  The frame cracked as she tore a chunk out with hissing ecstasy.  Her chest was swelling while fatty tissue developed below and her breasts began to fill out.

“No!” Mary shouted, feeling the sickness within her stomach.

She charged, ducking beneath her younger sister’s reaching arms.  In her haste, she floundered and fell, turning to watch as Faith lowered herself to the ground.

The younger sister writhed, twisting against the wooden floor.  She groaned, pushing herself up on her hands to thrust her still-growing chest forward while dragging herself on the ground. 

Faith luxuriated in her moulting as dead skin sloughed away from her waist and thighs to reveal hardening red and black scales. 

“It’s ssso good ssssister,” Faith moaned.  She flexed her body to raise as her calves joined together.  Her boneless feet swayed behind her as she began to writhe towards her sister.  “You’ll sssssssee.”

Mary ran from the house, nearly blind with the tears in her eyes.  She fell as her long dress caught on a fence and again when her boots caught but she knew the way to elder Joshua’s large home by heart and ran as quickly as she could.

The entire flight, the gem was held fast in her clenched fist.

Voices raised in anger silenced as she crashed through the elder’s door.  The gem began pulsing as she fell to her hands and knees.  It spilled forth, sliding into the middle of the crowded room.

“Mary!” A voice, her father, called out.  “What the-“

“Father!” Mary cried.  “It’s Faith!  She’s- There’s-“

An older woman reached down to help her up.

“Here, Mary,” the woman said gently.  “It’ll be caawwwright.  It’ll be caaaaaw!”

Mary sat back with her eyes wide.  The woman, Hannah – elder Joshua’s young wife, cocked her hide in surprise.

“What’s wraaaaaw with my-” the woman started to say.  She paused and her head tilted sideway while she glanced up.  She shook herself and her thick red braid waved behind her back.  “What’s thaaaaaaw voice?  Who is that?”

“Hannah?” elder Joshua said from the front of the room.

The woman fell to her hands and knees.  She glanced up at Mary with pure, black eyes.  Her mouth opened as if she would speak but, instead, her head thrust forward.

“Raaaawww!” Hannah called out as the room began to close around her.  She leaned back, grabbing at her blouse.  Holes dotted the surface of her skin and, as she tugged her shirt down, tiny black quills slid through the open holes.

The woman tore her shirt, revealing her large, pert breasts and erect nipples as people gasped around her.  Screams filled the room when Hannah’s jaw snapped, forcing her teeth forward.  The lines between them vanished as they merged into two lumps, top and bottom.  Black specks filled her lips and her reddened gums before moving down to her yellowed teeth.  The thin, stretched skin covering her jaw began to harden as another snap made everyone jerk back.  Her jaw collapsed into the hint of her long, curved beak.

A woman shrieked and a man cursed her for it.  The crowd parted to show a terrified woman grabbing at her throat.  Hazy crimson smoke issued from her mouth and the smell of sulfur filled the room.

“Leah!” her husband, Benjamin, shouted.  He grabbed for her as she fell back against the wall.  In the dim light of the large room, Mary could see the girl’s skin color growing dark.  She was even more pale than Faith but soon grew pink.  And then darker still.  Her bangs lifted and pushed away to reveal twin bumps over her brow.

Smoke rose from the newly wedded woman’s body.  Her soft, pouting lips darkened in sharp contrast to her skin and she moaned, licking her lips with her forked tongue.

“No, Leah!” Benjamin cried.  His hand touched her and he screamed jerking it back moments before the woman’s dress caught fire. 

“Fuck!” The girl cried out.  She grabbed her husband as her clothes fell to burning scraps around her.

Benjamin struggled while his wife kissed him, crushing him to her body as a lump formed at the base of her spine.  She stamped her boots and they strained around her feet until finally breaking to show toes fused together. 

With a cruel laugh, she pulled away, faint smoke still issuing from her black lips.  The skin over her forehead stretched and broke to expose two red horns, still growing.

“Come, husband,” her throaty, deep sultry voice called.  Four short fangs showed behind her lips  and the tip of her lengthening tail swelled into the shape of a sharp spade.  The man gagged and spat and his spittle burned when it touched the ground.  Faint streams of smoke oozed from his nose.

Leah turned, stomping her feet as her toenails grew thick, spreading over her feet, consuming flesh and bone until she stepped on furred, cloven hooves.

Her eyes settled on Daniel as the man pushed himself against the wall, his mouth working soundlessly in fear.  She walked to him, her hips swaying as her growing tail worked in counter to her movements.  The woman pressed a sharp claw against his chest.

“No, no, no,” Daniel begged.  “I- I have a wife and- and- a s-s-son and d-daughter, please!”

“They’ll have their turn, Daniel,” Leah purred as she pulled at his loose trousers.  Her hand gripped his limp cock and he struggled until her claws dug into his chest.

She knelt before the man, glancing back as her husband tore at his clothes.  She moaned at the sight of Benjamin’s cock, drooling as ridges formed along its straining length.  Kneeling awkwardly on her hooves, she shoved her ass back, raising it and waiting for her husband to take her.

“Demonic whore!” Daniel screamed as Hannah kissed the tip of his cock.  She laughed, licking at it and it began to harden from her attentions.  Daniel pushed at her face but she held fast, licking the length of his manhood until it stood erect before her.  She laughed again, sucking at the tip, teasing his sensitive head with her forked tongue.

Daniel’s strong hands gripped her curved horns and he pulled while thrusting his cock deep into her throat.  She gagged and then bobbed, glancing up to see smoke wafting off of the man’s reddened skin.

Claws gripped Hannah’s hips.  She imagined it to be her husband but, as she sucked Daniel’s cock, her breasts swaying and bouncing beneath her, she realized she didn’t care.  The voice whispered in her head, filling her with thoughts of lust and pain and pleasure and the joy of spreading her blessing.  She broke away from Daniel, shrieking as an enormous cock impaled her. 

“Finish, you whore!” Daniel growled, shoving Hannah’s mouth back onto his cock.  She could feel it swelling in her mouth and her tongue wrapped around it, rubbing against the bumps forming.  His words only fueled the hunger growing inside of her.  “You slut!  You filthy fucking whore!”

Mary scrambled to her feet.  Her father was pushing through the chaos, reaching for her but her eyes dipped down to his bulging trousers.  He pawed at himself, freeing his wrist-thick cock.

“Mary!” he cried.  Her father stumbled as a woman slammed against him.  She tore at her dress to reveal a furred belly lined with teats  Long, white whiskers quivered on her trembling lips

“Samuel, help meeioooaaaaa!’ she cried, grabbing her swelling breasts.  Her fingernails dented as she leaned her head forward to rasp at her throbbing nipples with a rough tongue.  “I can’t- I can’t think- the voice- loud.  So looooooooowwwwwd!”

The woman, Phoebe, fell to her knees and her ass flexed, forced upward as an unnatural heat made her yowl with the need to be mated.  She clawed at the ground as her hips cracked, unsealing her tailbone.

“P-p-please,” the woman begged as blonde fur crept over her bare cheeks and along her sweating, arched back. 

Mary watched her father stomp the ground.  His cock, easily two feet long and curving under the weight of its own erection, lay in his hands.  The man glanced at his daughter, pumping his velvety cock.  Pure pink patches formed on it, mixed with black.

“Mary,” Samuel moaned, stroking himself faster.  The head of his cock strained and stretched as it pulled flat.

Mary realized, in her horror, that it matched elder Joshua’s stallion.  Her father’s jaw cracked and he tore at his shirt, pulling and ripping to reveal thickened muscle and slick brown fur. 

A piercing yowl filled the air as Phoebe shuddered beneath Samuel.  Her short tail raised up to show her glistening, dripping sex but she forced herself to her knees.  She grabbed Samuel’s huge cock carefully with pink-padded palms.  The man gasped as she ran her rough tongue along the length of him.  The woman’s other hand cradled his massive, furred balls, tugging and squeezing them with her soft paw.

Mary covered her mouth as her father’s hips swayed.  She caught a glimpse of a tail behind him before realising it was his own.  He whickered and grabbed Phoebe while stepping back, as if to force her mouth down on his cock.  She hissed and turned instead, raising her hips once more.

“Daughter,” Samuel moaned with a last glance at Mary.  He fell to his hands and knees and his cock slapped Phoebe’s furred, thick ass.  She pushed back, raising and lowering herself to rub her needy sex against his cock until he gripped her tail to hold her in place.

The poor woman screamed as Samuel’s cock split her open.  Her pussy lips bulged around the man’s blunt cock but she held firm, shoving herself back, inch-by-inch.

Mary ran as a hand grabbed for her.  She caught a single glimpse of a hissing lizard man, his skin splitting to reveal olive colored scales.  His thick, slimy tongue lashed out for her face but she turned, escaping into the freezing night.

A multitude of animal sounds mixed with moaning, gasping and groaning and shrieking pleasure behind her.  A woman screamed, yelling for help but, as Mary sprinted for elder Joshua’s stable, the woman’s voice subsided into taunts for more – for her holes to be filled by whoever would listen.

The young woman knew not the name of the stallion she stole and she prayed for forgiveness as she freed it and raised her dress to ride bareback.  It crashed through the stable, nearly trampling a staggering woman.

Mary glanced back to see the woman tearing at her back as small, wet wings split her skin.  They flapped behind her, growing quickly as she screeched into the night.

The night ride was chaos as the young girl held the stallion’s mane, praying as it ran.

It was only as she saw lights in the distance that she finally began to calm.  Miller’s Well was the closest village, larger and more prosperous than her own and she realized she’d be safe.  That she could warn the villagers of what happened so that they might flee to safety. 

She stopped the horse in the middle of the night and then slapped its side to send it into safety.  It reared, pawed at the air and fled.

Mary ran to the tavern – the only building with light and voices in the village.  She’d been to the village twice with her father but he’d kept her close without introducing her or showing her around.

The young woman stood at the door, willing herself to calm but the frenetic voice inside her head urged her to hurry.  She grabbed for her bonnet but realized she’d lost it at some point and couldn’t even remember where.  A stray thought made her laugh miserably – that her mama would beat her sore for losing it.

She opened the door and a few heads turned to glance at her.  They followed her as she went to the bar but the innkeeper motioned her to the side.  He met her away from his customers as years of dealing with townsfolk and foreigners alike had honed his senses.  He could tell something was wrong.

Hurry, hurry!  Make them listen!  Make them hear you! the voice urged.

“‘Er now, what’s this?” he asked.  “I don’t recognize you and you look a mess.  Is it your man?  Are you run away from him?”

“No, no, it’s nothing like that,” she whispered, eyeing the few patrons talking in the room.  “It’s, I was in the woods, I’m from the village over.  Hosea’s Hill.  I- I found a jewel and it’s accursed!   I thought it would save us but it’s changin’ them!”

“Hold on, hold on,” the man said.  “Changing them how?  What jewel did you find?  Just, calm down and try to explain it better, lass.”

He’s not listening!  He’s not hearing you! the voice snarled.

Mary rubbed her jaw as she tried to collect her thoughts.  Her heart felt like it would burst and her head buzzed with the affairs of the night and the bartender eyed her as if he’d caught her stealing a wheel of his wife’s cheese.

No, she realized, scenting the air while her stomach rumbled.  She licked her lips and rubbed the roof of her mouth with her thick tongue as her gums throbbed.  Pie.  She bakes pies.  Apple and cherry.

“There.  There was a cave.  In a hill,” she told him, grabbing at the bar to steady herself.  “I was out looking for kindling and I found it.  Old cave.  There was a box inside and a gem, a red gem, inside of that.  I took it.  When I got home, my sister changed.  Like a snake!  She grew tail and scales and I ran to the elder but-“

The man’s laugh interrupted her.  She felt her hackles rise and her lips trembled to show her sore teeth. 

“Oh, is that all?” he chuckled.  “Listen, lass, I don’t know what your sister’s done to ya but-“

He’s mocking you!  Mocking!  Kill!  Kill him!  Take him now! the voice raged.

“You’re not listening to me!” Mary yelled, pounding on the bar.  Her sleeves tore to reveal hard lines in her biceps and forearms.  She growled and leaned forward as the taste of blood filled her mouth.  Swallowing, she continued as brown hairs emerged from the pale, elegant curve of her neck.  “They’re changing into demons!  I watched them!  My own father rutting with a half cat creature while his feet change to hooves!”

The bartender backed away with his hands up.  A small primal part of his brain urged caution and fear.

Mary’s teeth ground together as her canines lengthened.  Her lips bulged over them and pain bloomed deep in her gums.  She wiped excess spit from the corner of her mouth.  Soft brown hairs lining the backs of her hands tangled with fine hairs sprouting from her cheek.

“N-now listen,” he said, wiping at sudden beads of sweat over his brow.  “I- I don’t know what happened but it- it sounds like maybe your father remarried and you’re just imagining something between your new step-mother and step-sister.  I’ve seen it happen with Ruth and her-“

With a snarl, she lunged at him, grabbing the back of his head and his upper arm, sinking sharp fangs into his shoulder.  The man bellowed, grabbing her and pulling but she clung to him with supernatural strength.  His hot blood filled her mouth and she swallowed by reflex.

Gods yes! More!  More of them!  Take them all! the voice sang.

The young girl flung her head back in ecstasy as she tasted the man’s blood.  The scent of it filled her nose and it drove her wild.  Her cry was hesitant and human but the wolf growing within demanded it.  Demanded she call out from her first kill.  To mark the territory and body as her own.

She felt alive.  On fire.  Every touch of her dress was overloading her skin.  She tore at her bodice and her fingers cracked as her fingertips swelled to contain the deadly claws growing beneath.  Fur lined the thick muscle beneath the tears in her sleeves.  The fabric tore like paper and she shrugged out of it, stepping away from the bartender.

The scents came to her nose too late as men surrounded her, pulling and griping at her body.  She fell to her stomach under their weight, growling as they pressed into her. 

“She’s gone mad!” a man yelled over her.  “Hold her down!  Hold her down!  She’s as strong as a bull!”

Mary bucked and the men cursed as she almost flung them away. 

“Don’t hurt her!” a feminine voice called in the distance.  It was soon joined by a second and Mary’s ears twitched.  The skin stretched, flowing to a point as wispy brown hairs began to cover them.

No, no, no! Kill them all! the voice whined.

She turned her head, sinking her fangs into one man’s arms.  He screamed, grabbing her mouth to pull her away but she held tight. 

“She’s got my damn arm!” the man shrieked.  “I can’t get her off!”

Mary felt her breasts flatten against the ground beneath her.  She slowly pushed herself up, grunting around the man’s arm as her spine popped, elongating to handle her changing frame.  The weight of her growing breasts pulled at her but she felt light and fast. Powerful.

The girl’s nose crinkled and tears formed as a loud crack filled the air.  She lost control of her jaw temporarily as it pushed forth.  The man she’d bitten scrambled away, his hand over his wrist.

“Fuggen’ bitch,” came a growl behind her.  “Fuggen’ bit me.”

Mary’s ears flattened and she glanced back.  For a brief moment, she could see her muzzle and the fur dotting it.  Something clicked deep within her brain and the double-image of her snout shrunk to one before vanishing completely. 

The innkeeper stood behind their group with a thick hand against his shoulder. 

Black fur surrounded her bite on his shoulder and the man’s eyes were golden.  He growled, low in his throat.  She spied his canines extending and the teeth surrounding them cracked.  He turned and spat broken shard but, when he faced her again, new fangs were replacing the broken ones.

At the smell of him, Mary began to feel a new urge, deep between her thighs.  She gasped as her back and hips cracked.  A deep tickling sensation formed above her ass as a tiny new muscle began to flex.  The skin along her waist stretched as her hips widened, readying her for the size of a proper mate.  Her smooth skin grew distended as the new muscle flexed and pushed.  Flesh growing over the muscle calcified, connecting to new tendons to form the start of her tail.

“Fuggen’ fuggen’ bitch,” the innkeeper grumbled, grabbing at the bloody neck of his tunic.  Black fur lined his forearm and he pulled, carving red lines in his chest with the claws lining his fingers.  “Gonna- gonna fuck you-  Mount you-“

“Saul?” one of the men holding her asked.  “Are you-“

The man yelled as Saul grabbed him, lifting him easily to throw him across the room.  Mary shoved off of the ground and the remaining men tumbled away.  She leapt to both feet, panting as she eyed the innkeeper. 

A thick tuft of brown fur covered her mound.  She felt the itch as the hairs marched down over her sex and along her thighs while also lazily creeping up her belly button. 

She launched herself, claws out toward the innkeeper and he met her, staggering under her strength with a snarl.  The young woman bested him in size and strength and she forced him back.  Yet, as he continued to change, she could feel him beginning to push back.

Her boots slid on the floor.  She instinctively raised herself to her tiptoes to try to anchor herself as her calf muscles swelled and her stubby tail thrashed angrily behind her.  She snapped at his neck, nipping the thick fur before he yanked himself back.

Mary slid further before coming to a stop as claws sliced through the front of her right shoe.  She smiled with her thick black lips, showing a row of fangs as her feet ached.  Now that she recognized it, she could feel her left claws slicing through flesh to bite into the floor below.  The cheap, poorly maintained soles of her boots separated as her feet widened.

The bones within her feet stretched, pulling at the skin while calluses formed beneath her toes and the balls of her teeth.

Saul relaxed and Mary slammed against him, feeling her large breasts press into Saul’s growing pelt.  He leaned back and twisted and she fell beneath him with a yelp that quickly turned to a growl as he lay above her.  Mary struggled, pushing and shoving but he was already larger than her. 

The girl froze when she felt the man’s hot manhood against the skin of her bare ass.  He bit into her shoulder and she gasped, lowering her muzzle while pressing up against him.  With his teeth deep in her skin and his tongue lapping at her fur, Saul lowered himself.  She could feel his skin pull against her as his sheath formed and she shuddered when the tip of his manhood rubbed against her sex. 

Mary thrashed again, shoving and pushing back until Saul bit deep enough that her bones ground together.  He held her tight as he pushed forward and her lips surrounded his cock, eagerly pulling him into her virgin pussy.  She snarled at the intense pinching pain but he ignored her, shoving deeper and deeper inside while her blood filled the air around them.

The girl panted, her ears back and her head bowed as her legs trembled from the pleasurable yet alien sensation.  He pushed until she felt his balls touching her swollen clit. 

When the base of his cock swelled within her, she snapped at the air and clawed the ground.  Her pressed down and she collapsed beneath him with her ass raised.  The motion forced his knot from her pussy and he growled, shoving back into her.  The pain subsided, consumed by the heat and animalistic needs taking over her body as she pushed back against him.  She could feel him becoming even thicker inside of her.

Saul howled and she found herself joining into his song as his cock pounded into her.  She worked back, struggling to find the right rhythm.  Joining him as he mated with her.  As he filled her.

With each thrust, she opened wider until her engorged labia swelled further.  She shoved her head back against his chest with a snarl while her lips folded and tightened around him, bulging outward from her body as flesh flowed over her clit. 

So close.  Close to being knotted.  Filled.  More.  More! she panted, angry that her changing sex made her tighter.  She flexed within, squeezing him as she felt an odd electrical fullness begin to form.  It was maddening and painful and undescribable at the same time.  She felt crazed from it and again tore chunks from the floor beneath her to escape.  To get away from the sensations threatening to overpower her.

Pain exploded in her midsection as Saul’s claws dug into her furred hips.  He shoved, tearing a muscle deep within her pussy as his knot finally entered her.  Mary howled as he swelled within and she felt his hot cum filling her.  Over and over he swelled until the feel of him pushed her over the edge and she came, kicking and scratching and biting the air.  Her pussy pulsed in waves but his knot held her closed until, legs trembling weakly, she collapsed to her stomach.

“Micah!” Priscilla screamed, rushing to her husband as the strange woman tangled with the innkeeper.  He snarled, swiping at her when she touched him and his claws tore the front of her dress.

His wife screamed, falling to her ass as she pressed her hands against her bloody chest in shock.

“I’m- I’m sorry- I-  Argh!” Micah howled, pressing his palms against his templates.  Fur dotted his forehead and gold flecks filled his eyes.

A second woman grabbed at her husband, pulling Micah’s attention.  He jumped, clawing the man before grabbing the woman.  She screamed as he pushed her down to her back.

“P-p-p-please d-don’t d-d-d-” the woman stuttered.

A brief look of panic crossed Micah’s face before he snarled.  His jaw crunched, lengthening as he grabbed the woman’s bodice to pull it apart.  The girl’s large, soft breasts jiggled beneath him and he bent down to her, biting and sucking at her nipples.

The man’s bulging manhood pressed against his trousers.  It pounded beneath him and then stretched, red replacing the soft pink.  The head of his cock pushed forth into jutting tip as he began to rub against the woman. 

Her cries annoyed Micah and his ears swiveled before rocking backwards.  He growled at her and then kissed her, biting her tongue as she pounded against his back. 

No longer unable to contain himself, Micah rocked back to lift the woman’s dress.  She screamed, trying to push it back down until his backhanded slap knocked her senseless.  The man freed his cock with an easy swipe of his claws and then pressed into her.  Despite her dryness, the tip pierced her and he rocked back and forth in small motions. 

Blonde fur lengthened from her short pubic hair.  It curled as it grew and the girl moaned, digging her nails into the ground.  The fur crept up her stomach, brushing against a sudden dark spot of skin.  The skin twisted as milk ducts formed beneath and her first teat grew erect.

On his return thrust, wetness greeted Micah’s swollen cock.

“Nnnnoooo,” the moaned moaned, reaching for Micah’s face.  Her eyes were unfocused but she tilted her head back as she squirmed beneath.  “I’m- my husband- gods!”

The woman pulled Micah down to lick the fur on his cheek.

“Harder,” she growled in his ear.  “Harder!”

Priscilla crawled to the man lying prone beside Micah and his bitch.  She touched the man and he roused himself.

“Whaaa-” he said before his eyes snapped open.  “Oh shit!  Oh, shit!  Priscilla, we have to-!”

Priscilla’s claws dug into the man’s lower stomach as she lay her soft breasts on his legs.  She lapped at the crotch of his trousers and then pulled herself up over him.

“No!  Get off me you fucking-” the man yelled, struggling beneath the woman.  She anchored herself in the wall with her claws before reaching back to pull his trousers down.  He struggled and then slapped her but she laughed, licking his mouth with a long, wide tongue.

The red-headed woman shoved herself down on the man and he could feel her protruding, bulging pussy lips.

“Don’t- don’t do this-  You don’t have to-“

Rather than answer, she grabbed his hand, pressing it against her lower stomach.  He felt skin straining and moving and pressing against his palm.  When she squeezed his fingers against her body, he felt the small nipple.

“I’m not- I’m not an animal,” he begged.  “Please, I’m begging you, please!”

Priscilla laughed as he began to grow hard under her ministrations.  She reached under herself, gripping his cock gently with her clawed paws until his head lay against her swollen, hot sex.  With a deep moan, she pressed down and the man jerked, grabbing her lightly furred hips by reflex.

“I’m not an animal,” the man protested weakly as his eyes lightened to polished bronze and his hands squeezed the woman’s ass.

Sunlight peeked through gray clouds.  Mary groaned and stirred, waking slowly.  She froze as she realized she was naked.

And not alone.  She felt it inside of her.  A thought.  A voice.  A bundle of instincts and urges and needs and wants.  Overriding and mixing with her own desires until she struggled to see where one ended and the other began.

Warmth pressed against her back and a heavy arm lay posessively over her stomach. She rolled, carefully and sat.  The innkeeper lay naked in front of her.  Her eyes traced his hardened body down to the furred sheath over his crotch.  She growled, stretching and pressing the base of her palm against her stomach as one of the new urges woke with a ferocious hunger.

In doing so, she shivered and jumped as her hand brushed sensitive skin.No, not skin, she realized as she looked down to see six teats lining the powerful muscles of her stomach.  She lay back with her legs spread to see the bulging lips of her pussy.  They were swollen like a dog’s sex and the lips were covered in short, downy fur.

She desperately wanted to touch herself.

Scents filled the air.  Others were close.  Still sleeping.  Changed, like her.  Like the innkeeper.

He stirred, groaning and rolling to his back.  She watched him but her eyes drifted to his cock.  Unable to help herself, she went to him, straddling his lap while bending over to press her heavy breasts against his chest.  He woke, startled but she kissed him while rocking back.

The man kissed her in return as she felt his sheath sliding against her throbbing sex.  Pulling back to expose his cock and slowly expanding knot.

“I remember last night,” he said gruffly, grabbing her ass as she rubbed her wetness back and forth against his enormous cock.  Spreading her scent on him.  Marking him.  “You changed me.  You did this.”

“Yes,” she gasped, bending to kiss him again.

“I had a wife,” he told her, anger in his voice.  Still, he pulled at her ass and her pussy lips opened wetly.

“Yes, I could smell her on you,” Mary said, her voice dangerously low.  “You’re mine now.”

She raised her hips and his cock, slick with her juices and his own pre-cum, pressed against her lips.

“Yes,” he rasped, pushing himself into her.  “I’m yours.”

“Ohhhh,” Mary moaned, sitting back until she felt his knot against her lips.  His fingers teased her teats and she bit her lips with tiny, sharp fangs.  “We’ll.  Plan.  Oh.  Oh.  Oh, gods.  Plan.  After.  After.”

“After,” the man agreed as he slammed up into her.

The mated pair welcomed the morning sun as the animals within them placed deep, unbreakable roots in the very core of their being.

Others woke around them until the sound of wolves filled the forest once more.

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