
Greg pushed the button on the treadmill to make it speed up slightly.  He could feel the ache starting in the right side of his stomach but he felt restless.  Around him were people in various levels of fitness running, jogging or walking on the other treadmills.  The gym was fairly packed for a Saturday evening but he’d been lucky enough to find an empty spot.  Usually he skipped exercising on the weekends but he woke feeling out-of-sorts and decided to try the gym rather than pace his small apartment.


An attractive lady stole a glance at him, smiling as she did. …

The She-Wolf



Richard sat on a marble bench inside the courtyard.  A warm breeze ruffled the small trees surrounding him.  He sat, back straight with his hat sitting on his knee.  A dark walking stick leaned against his leg – a gift from his father when he was younger.  Here and there little birds flitted through the slightly overgrown topiary, singing as they did.  The entrance to the asylum loomed before him.  The wings of the building spread out east and west, turning north so he couldn’t see the ends of them.  The massive, three story building sat on over forty acres of land.…

The Change [The Change Universe # 3]



The creature sat, crossed-legged on the ground. It had been a long time since it first came to this realm. A very long time. It had enjoyed killing many humans throughout the centuries and planned to continue savoring the taking of life for a long time. They were so easy to break down and destroy. Finding someone that thought they were a pure, good soul and then watching that same pathetic human kill and eat a fellow captive… The creature shivered in pure pleasure. It took months to wear down the strongest of them and the creature enjoyed every second of it.…